Thursday, January 22, 2009

EON 0.58.9 based on SNV_104 is released!

Embedded Operating system/Networking (EON), RAM based live NAS appliance is released on Genunix! Much thanks to Al and for download hosting.

It is available in a CIFS and Samba flavor
tryitEON 32-bit x86 CIFS ISO image version 0.58.9 based on snv_104
tryitEON 32-bit x86 Samba ISO image version 0.58.9 based on snv_104


Zebble said...

Great stuff! Any chance that a 64-bit version will be created (or instructions on how to build one) for larger filesystems?

Andre Lue said...

The 64 bit version is ready. It just didn't get as much feedback. Wasn't released because the run space is a bit bigger. I'll try to get it uploaded.

Zebble said...

Thanks Andre! I look forward to it.

Andre Lue said...

Hi Wade,

64-bit version posted. Please feel free to share your feedback.