Thursday, July 16, 2015

EON ZFS Storage release changes

It's been a while since the previous EON Storage release. I know, I know, please forgive but as promised I have not forgotten or stopped. This release, 151a9-041815 will be the final OpenIndiana based release. Future EON Storage releases will be based on OmniOS. Their road-map simply seems like the best path forward. Just putting some final integration touches on the binary kit before making it available for download.
List of changes in this release.
151a9-0415 final OpenIndiana release
 - added short hand options to rail (in|install, ls|list)
 - changed /bin/rail cache path from /usr/local/.store to /usr/local/.cache
 - added syslog migration option from RAM to zpool (/usr/local/var) in /bin/emp
 - added bashrc helpers /mnt/eon0/etc/bashrc-*
151a9-0814 unreleased
 - tcpwrapper updates for sshd in /etc/inetd.conf
 - security & opensource time server updates to /etc/inet/ntp.conf
 - bash version 4.2.53(1) shellshock security vulnerability fix
 - added utf-8 locale, (iso8859-1, iso8859-15)
 - added /mnt/eon0/etc/bashrc-bkit PATH helper for PS3 media server, etc
 - added /etc/rc3.d/S99local to .backup
 - added console debug/logging to S99local for processing of .exec
151a8-1113 unreleased
 - added pkgsrc/pkgin and 9800+ web packages binary kit(commercial), not compatible with free binary kit
 - updated ndd network parameters for security and improved network performance in /bin/emp and /mnt/eon0/.exec, /etc/systems
 - new hostid "bad hostid format" bug discovered for seems like older hardware
 - KVM error "WARNING: kvm: emulating exchange as write"
 - fixes to /bin/emp adding coreadm, virtual terminals, inetd, numerous start/stop features
 - fixes to /bin/setup for multi-nics, DNS, default router and default domain
 - fixes to DHCP boot for DNS configuration - fixes to /mnt/eon0/.backup, .purge
 - added man pages (commercial)
 - added owncloud (requires php w mb & mcrypt support & MySQL)
 - added ajaxplorer web filemanager (requires new php with mb & mcrypt support)
 - added java autostart boot edits to /mnt/eon0/.exec
 - DTRACE updated to v1.9
 - EON images format name change and .usb image added
 - added windows installation option using .usb file and liveusb (tested up to Win 7)
151a7-0313 unreleased
 - 062813 user /etc/smbautohome "* /tank/homes/&", .backup
 - added /boot/grub/menu-eon|grub|full pre-configured grub, serial menu options
 - added IPv6, ndpd, routed to enterprise/commercial version
 - added tcpwrappers
 - added /usr/share/lib/terminfo/dumb terminal
 - added ftpd control to emp-1.0.5
 - added ndd "stop" option to emp-1.0.5
 ? clear cache option, "ccache" added to rail-1.0.6 (omitted)
 - added couchpotato 2, net-snmp autostart boot edits to /mnt/eon0/.exec
 - added couchpotato 2, net-snmp(commercial) start|stop|status to emp-1.0.5
 - psrinfo now a standalone binary, no more perl dependency
 - perl dependency removed from /lib/svc/method/svc-hostid
 - setup-1.0.2 no longer depends on perl and slinky dynamically called as needed
 - added "list" option to rail-1.0.5
 - emp updated with couchpotato2, vtdaemon, bind, postfix, snmpd service actions
 - bashrc adds cli aliases for zfs space(zsp), bandwidth(bw), mode perms, file unpacking(xt), slinky integration(wget, perl)
 ? ramzfsdemo script will create a live CIFS setup, share (requires 4Gb or more RAM)
 - added ram, usb drive space pre-check to
 - release naming changed to reference kernel version, build month/year date
   eon-151a7-64-cifs-0513.iso (64 bit CIFS May 2013 build, ISO image)
   eon-151a7-64-smb-0513.usb (64 bit samba May 2013 build, windows install image)
   eon-151a7-64-cifs-0513-ent.iso (64 bit CIFS May 2013 build, commercial ISO image)
 - 050813 151a7 binaries and drivers
1.0-151 previous GA release


Unknown said...

When you write future versions of EON will be based on OmniOS, when what exactly is EON? It should like complete Solaris fork, but so is OmniOS.

Is EON only the kernel?

Andre Lue said...

EON is a minimal RAM/live ZFS NAS OS. It is currently built from OpenIndiana kernel and binaries, but going forward will be built from OmniOS. Hope that helps, more info can be found here:
EON faq

Unknown said...

Hi Andre, I couldn't find the downloads for the new version of EON. Are they available?.

I am insterested to know about the future build based on OmniOS, I at least the on memory feature more in line with SmartOS, but you know better than anybody about which base distrib is better suited.

I leave a topic in google groups Eon future Base development.

Thanks for your work and welcome back!

Erwin said...

Hi Andre,

Same question / point here:
Glad to see you're doing ok, and that EON is still alive and kicking. But where are the downloads or path to upgrade?

Do you also have a commercial version available?

Thanks a lot for your ongoing work!


Somerandom said...

Hi Andre,

Same question here too. :-)
Looking for the downloads... especially the 32 bit ones.

Thanks again for keeping this project going.
