cd /tmp wget -O binkit-130.tgz this is the first time using a binary kit, you will need to perform this step. If you have used previous binary kits, you can skip to the next step.
cd /zpool mkdir localThis step installs the new binary kit to /usr/local which is linked to /zpool_name/local.
cd /usr/local gzip -dc /tmp/binkit-130.tgz | tar -xf -This completes the binary kit install and typing "aria2c -v" should confirm if it worked. Below is a screenshot listing some of the binaries included:
Binary Kit 130 summary:
- PHP/libphp 5.3.1 (GD, jpeg, png support)
- Aria2c 1.9.3 (HTTP/HTTPS, FTP, BitTorrent and Metalink)
- tmux 1.1 (terminal multiplexer)
- screen (terminal multiplexer)
- wget/curl (retrieving files using HTTP, HTTPS and FTP)
- glusterfs 3.0 (clustered storage solution)
- stunnel (encrypt TCP connections inside SSL)
- socat (multi-purpose relay)
- bonnie/iperf (disk / network benchmarking)
- nano (editor)
- elinks (text browser)
- ddclient/inadyn (dynamic DNS clients)
- par2 (parity archive volume set)
cd /usr/local/bin ln -s ./i86/powertop .For 64 bit EON version:
cd /usr/local/bin ln -s ./amd64/powertop .