So, how do you use the kit? First upload a binary kit from here to your zpool storage (/zpool name is /abyss in this case). Then unpack the kit using (updated: Since bin-124.tgz):
cd /abyss mkdir local cd local gzip -dc bin-124.tgz | tar -xvf -Then make the /mnt/eon0/.exec entries
(cd /usr ; ln -s ../abyss/local .) (cd /usr/lib ; ln -s ../../abyss/local/lib/smedia .)Proper forking between 32/64-bit binaries is not working (example: top, powertop) because it relies on hard linking /usr/lib/isaexec and that requires being on the same filesystem (Hmmm). For now I recommend symlinking the respective 32 or 64-bit binary, /pool/local/bin/i86/top or /pool/local/bin/amd64/top to /pool/local/bin/top as needed.