CIFS quick start guide
1. Create zpool and directory/zfs for user
(eg substitute your own zpool name for "pool", user for "username", stor or create new group for "guid"
zfs create -o casesensitivity=mixed -o sharesmb=on pool/username zfs set sharesmb=name=sharename pool/user zfs set compression=on pool/username or zfs set compression=gzip pool/username
2. Step 1 of the Samba quick start guide and
passwd username
3 Set permissions on share directory/zfs
cd /pool
chown username:guid username
chmod 755 username
Samba quick start guide
1. Add user(s) to system account
useradd -u uid -g guid -s /bin/false username
# useradd -u 551 -g 500 -s /bin/false user1
2. Add user(s) to samba account
smbpasswd -U username -a # smbpasswd -U user1 -a
enter and confirm the password
On your windows machine
Start -> Run\\IP\share \\\user1enter username/password set from step 2 of Samba quick start
Tim Thomas has a good article on CIFS configuration for further understanding.
Alan Wright has a good blog entry on Client side Caching. More on Active Directory Integration, Shares and Permissions (ZFS acl settings)
More on building your own fileserver. Breden has a great article here.